Brycus lar e jardim
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8 de Agosto de 2019

No doormat is the same as another, and not only because of its design, but also because of its materials. The most common are coconut fiber or PVC fiber, although we also find rubber and other heavier fabrics. Normally no cleaning products are used to disinfect them, but they are simply shaken or placed in the washing machine to give them a quick wash. However, this is not enough, it is necessary to thoroughly clean our mats to prevent dirt from proliferating on them, but before we see the types of doormats that are on the market:

- Coconut fiber: it is the most common material, they have a rough appearance and are very resistant.

- Metallic: perfect for removing debris from our shoes and shaking easily

- Rubber: of great resistance and generally intended for outdoor areas.

- Moquette: they are comfortable and very manageable, but they are the ones that trap more dust

- PVC fibers: they are widely used in homes, they are resistant and very durable.

Yes, luckily there are some infallible methods to clean our mats in a comfortable way and obtaining perfect results, no matter what type it is. Although we usually use a vacuum cleaner to clean carpets and doormats, it is recommended to clean them thoroughly from time to time. In addition, we can take advantage of the fact that there are common methods for all our mats. It doesn't matter if you have two or six different materials, you can all apply one or the two methods that we will detail later.

We can use specific cleaning products for carpets, but there are also small homemade tricks to clean them thoroughly and at a ridiculous price. If you have a brush, ammonia and soap or just some coffee grounds ... will be enough to start cleaning our doormat. Then, we will see the steps to follow for both methods, and you will see that you will be impeccable in a few minutes.

Steps to a thorough cleaning!

First, the mat is shaken to remove as much sand and dust as possible. It is then placed on the floor and stretched well so as not to damage it and so that the product penetrates homogeneously into all corners. Next, we apply in a tub with water a dash of ammonia and a little soap, and with the brush we rub the mixture on the doormat. Then let it dry outdoors. Finally you will see how your mats shine by themselves.

Our second method is dry cleaning, and we will use coffee grounds for this. Yes! Just something that we are sure to find in virtually every home in the world is a great ally and one of our most recommended brycus tips. The cleaning is simple, just throw the posos on the mat and rub vigorously with the brush. With this trick you will get super clean carpets. It is always recommended to clean outdoors or, if this is not possible, at least on a balcony, in order to stain as little as possible.

Optimal result

Among our Brycus tips we recommend you to clean the mats regularly, as they are full of dust and bacteria which it is best to disinfect as soon as possible. By following our cleaning methods you will ensure that the mats shine with their own light and are free of dirt on top of them. In addition, if you have children or pets, they usually take things from the floor... how can you not keep it clean!

It is important to take into account the material of the mat when applying one or the other method. For example, the method of coffee grounds does not make sense to apply them to a rubber mat, ammonia and soap being better in this case. However, other doormats, such as carpet mats, can be applied to both techniques. Although, without a doubt, whatever you use... you will get an unbeatable result.

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